After years with Xperia P, I decided to buy Xperia Z few days ago and hopping around with it while still using Xperia P as my main phone until I can finish cooking Xperia Z. Those who came from my Xperia P’s ROM should know how great audio quality is with my ROM while maintaining solid performance and good battery-life.
This ROM package works on both global’s stock ROM and DoCoMo’s stock ROM. For DoCoMo ROM, most of DoCoMo’s added stuff removed and replaced phone features with global ones. You’ll get pretty much like global ROM but with DoCoMo’s SystemUI and Lockscreen.
init.d support
exFAT support
White Balance support
Xperia Fidelity script
De-bloated bundle apps
Screen calibration optimized
PureXAudio with low latency tweaks
build.prop tweaks
Thunderbolt tweaks
Partition remounting
LMK supercharged
Screen-state optimizations
Enable Call Recording
Latest Play Store
1. Make your way to access CWM/TWRP recovery.
2. Flash Extreme Fidelity ROM
3. Clear cache and dalvik cache
4. Reboot. Wait until you can access home screen and reboot again to reloaded phone with build.prop updates.
None. This is stock ROM-like experiences so you won’t see much of visual changes. You can see some of them from threads I included their work.
Xperia Z: Fidelity Z 1.0
pikachu01, for his Thunderbolt script
ZeroInfinity, for his awesome PureXAudio mods. It’s perfect match with my Xperia Fidelity tweaks for superior audio experiences.
Rizal Lovins, for his long supported Cyber-Shot that improves camera and video capturing experiences.
nicemblem, for his call recording patch. Make sure to click on menu to start recording.
SquallATF, for applying exFAT patch. I’m giving this credit in respect of his initiative.
Sony, for awesome ROM and apps