Fidelizer 6.1 Released – Some fixes and improvements

Fidelizer Pro 6.1

Fidelizer Pro 6.1

After releasing 6.0 for a month, I received feedback about software from both free version and Plus/Pro version. To make Fidelizer becoming more completed and meet users’ expectations, I’m releasing version 6.1 fixing and improving things upon request below.

Changelog for version 6.1

-Fixed fidelizer.key generation bugs on some system
-Fixed network issues caused by stopping services in Windows 7/8
-Reduced glare in high frequencies on some systems

Fidelizer Plus
-Fixed fidelizer.key generation bugs on some system
-Fixed network issues caused by stopping services in Windows 7/8
-Improved core optimizations based on Fidelizer Pro configuration
-Improved Network streaming audio performance

Fidelizer Pro
-Added Uninstall function
-Added ‘System configuration optimized for audio playback’ option
-Fixed fidelizer.key generation bugs on some system
-Fixed installation error trying to update running software
-Fixed incompatibility with some antivirus like Kaspersky Pure

After using Fidelizer Pro for a while, I must say this is mandatory piece of software for Windows to the enable the superior sound quality in audiophile market. I finished implementing improved core optimizations on Fidelizer Plus so you should notice improved audio performance especially on network streaming. Fidelizer Pro comes with uninstall feature so you don’t have to worry about reverting optimizations anymore in future.

Info: Fidelizer
Download: Fidelizer 6.1
Upgrade: Upgrade Program