Windows 10 Transformation/UX Pack 4.5 Released – Improved Windows 10 experience

Windows 10 Transformation Pack 4.5

Windows XP x86 system files bug is now fixed by reverting to old Resource Hacker for XP only. So if you had a problem with XP, please try the proper release.

Not so long after releasing version 4.0, Windows 10 comes out again with new icons. Thank god it’s only minor changes with new icons. There’s also one major bug in Windows 10 Transformation Pack 4.0 related to Windows activation. It worked fine on my PC during testing but after using it for a few days, I realized I was wrong. It looks like we can’t really tamper those branding files at all in Windows 8/8.1. So I fixed this bug along with some updates from Windows 10 build 10147.

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Windows 10 Transformation/UX Pack 4.0 Released – The most completed Windows 10 experience

Windows 10 Transformation Pack 4.0

I thought the last ones was a big update. I didn’t expect this release to be even bigger. It took a lot of time and effort to update a lot of things besides refreshing new icons in this release. Thanks to new Resource Hacker update, we finally get tray icons updated including battery and network icons! I also redesigned some XP updates as you saw in yesterday post. All system files related bugs should be gone in this release.

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Added Transformation/UX Pack Uninstaller

After reviewing feedback for a while. I noticed some people getting uninstaller application removed or corruped making uninstallation a lot of trouble. So I decided to upload separated uninstaller software for cases like this. Please use it at your own caution.

Windows 10 Transformation Pack 3.0 Uninstaller
Windows 10 UX Pack 3.0 Uninstaller
Yosemite Transformation Pack 4.0 Uninstaller
Yosemite UX Pack 4.0 Uninstaller

Sorry for realizing it this late but better than never, right?